Plan A Themed Birthday With Hog Roast Distington!

Hog Roast DistingtonWho says that themed birthday parties are just for kids? Definitely not us! Here at Hog Roast Distington, we are firm believers that everyone should be made to feel special on their birthday, no matter what age they are and thankfully, the general consensus seems to agree with us!

These days, more and more adults are choosing to embrace their playful side by hosting birthday parties with a specific theme. This could be a set era, like the roaring 20s or the rockin’ 80s. Or it might pay homage to the celebrant’s favourite movie, TV show or novel. Whatever the theme, though, the great thing about these birthday parties is that the choices are limitless, and we find that they are always a big hit with guests!

On that note, our catering manager, Phil, spent last Friday night serving a gorgeous buffet at a Game Of Thrones-themed birthday celebration! The client, Nicky, was celebrating her 25th birthday, and as a self-confessed GOT fan, she had decided to plan a celebration that highlighted her adoration for the popular series.

Guests were invited to dress up as their favourite character from the franchise, knock back tankards of real ale or goblets or wine, and feast on an authentic hog roast cooked by Phil and our other Hog Roast Distington catering staff.

We’re happy to say that everyone embraced the opportunity to go all-out on this occasion, and the attendees all looked fantastic in their costumes! And Nicky, who had dressed as the Mother Of Dragons, herself, was thrilled with everyone’s efforts to take part in the theme.

Hog Roast Distington’s Classic Hog Roast Menu was the perfect accompaniment to this unforgettable evening – and not only because the age-old cooking method was well-matched to the historical timeframe upon which the fantasy series is set.Hog Roast Distington

Everyone commented on how the dramatic-looking-looking spread, which consisted of fresh and delicious pulled pork, crackling, stuffing and applesauce, was full of flavour that they couldn’t resist. The group also appreciated the side salad options, coleslaw, herb-dressed new potatoes, grilled veggie kebabs and the selection of bread rolls, which allowed them to experiment with unique flavour combinations.