Celebrating New Ventures with Hog Roast Roose

Hog Roast RooseTo us it still feels like just yesterday when we were taking the first intrepid steps to being our own bosses and making a go of it as an independent catering business delivering high quality hog roasts to local events. That was well over 20 years ago, however, and since those humble beginnings Hog Roast Roose has been fortunate enough to grow and grow well, as we look now to numerous franchises up and down the nation, hundreds of excellent Hog Roast Roose teams and a large customer base picking up the phone each and every day to demand our catering services. All that you see with Hog Roast Roose today of course all comes right back to that first day launching our business to the world, and nothing here would exist without that day.

Our recent corporate customers may be reading this and hoping that in twenty years they’ll be able to say the same, as Dean and partnership of 3 celebrate the launch of their very own business this past week, and called in Hog Roast Roose to help them celebrate bright beginnings! All we can say to Dean and co is, if you start as you mean to go on then a Hog Roast Roose catered launch event most assuredly means good things in the future!

OHog Roast Roosef course the Hog Roast Roose was more than happy to oblige with a special catered service for an independent start-up like ourselves in the local area, and so we provided an exquisite banquet buffet for start-ups team and their friends and family as all toasted to the beginning of an exciting (and hopefully successful) new venture. Helping them to celebrate a launch as magnificent the right way were two roasts: a classic hog roast and a beef roast, each accompanied by roast potatoes, regular fries and sweet potato fries, halloumi and veg skewers, seasonal mixed veg, freshly made coleslaw, mixed leaves, and plenty of wraps and rolls too for those that prefer a handy roast.

A successful event all around, and a successful launch from what we have since heard from Dean and the team, and so from all at Hog Roast Roose we will continue to wish you all the best. Perhaps we’ll see you in 20 odd years again!