Hog Roast Port Logan Made A Lasting Impression At School Christmas Fete!

Hog Roast Port LoganIt goes without saying that the Christmas period is an exceptionally busy time of year for Hog Roast Port Logan. With food playing a key role in the season’s celebrations, our caterers are always snowed under with bookings throughout the entire month of December, which is partly why it’s our favourite month of the year…yes, really!

We love nothing more than being kept busy, and being able to help our customers and clients celebrate the most-anticipated holiday is something we take great pride in.

This year, our team has been making the most of celebrating Christmas without any lockdown restrictions hindering our service, and we were delighted to be invited along to serve our Festive Menu at a school fete on Saturday afternoon!

The Christmas fete is an event that takes place on the school grounds every year with the aim of raising money for some fantastic causes. This year, money was raised through tuck shops selling items that had either been donated to the school or handmade by the pupils. There were also lots of confectionery stalls, face painting artists, a bouncy castle, a raffle with great prizes and, with it being Christmastime, a Santa’s grotto complete with reindeer and elves!

Hog Roast Port LoganHog Roast Port Logan was happy to be included in this event, and on the day of the Christmas fete, our catering manager, Phil and the team made sure to arrive on-site well before the ticket holders did. Using their time wisely, our catering crew prepped a large pig by scoring the skin and rubbing it down with salt before slow-roasting it in the Hog Master.

While the real flames licked at the pig, transforming the skin into a stunning shade of gold, Phil and the gang turned their focus to the side options. Working together as a team, they managed to rustle up a huge batch of cauliflower cheese, roast potatoes, sage and onion stuffing, seasonal veg, pigs in blankets and homemade gravy before the guests arrived.

It wasn’t long before the school was flooded with the sound of Christmas songs and chatter from hundreds of voices – all of whom were eager to get a taste of Hog Roast Port Logan’s marvellous creations! Sure enough, everyone who attended was impressed with our scrumptious hog roast baps and sides, which they chased down with a cup of our alcohol-free mulled wine and mince pies!