Hog Roast New Cumnock Loves Catering At LARPing Events!

It has been quite some time since Hog Roast New Cumnock last attended a LARPing event, so when Duncan called us up to arrange catering for a local event, we were so eager to get involved!

For those of you who aren’t familiar with LARPing, which stands for live-action role-playing, it is a popular pastime for history buffs and fantasy fans alike. Often, these events will explore re-enactments of real battles that became a landmark in history, or they will allow participants to follow their creative side through fantastical alter-egos, which can include fairies, elves, sorcerers and sorceresses, alchemists, druids and warriors.

The event Duncan was involved in organising was the fantasy sort, and all 310 members of his online LARPing group had promised to attend what was one of their largest role-playing events of the year. Expecting such a massive turnout, Duncan and the group in charge of hosting the affair had decided to hire professional help to ensure no one felt hungry – especially as the LARP took place in a remote, woodland location with no immediate access to shops or restaurants.

Hoping to keep the food in theme with the medieval style of the event, Duncan had come to Hog Roast New Cumnock looking for a traditional hog roast spread, and we were more than happy to oblige! Our catering manager, Lee, promised the client a show-stopping spit-roast fit for kings and queens, as well as a drinks service, a vegan-friendly dish and a delicious pud.

Hog Roast New CumnockLee and the team had spent all morning working on the buffet from under the cover of the catering gazebo, where they watched an awesome battle unfold between the different ‘species’. Meanwhile, as the flames licked at the slowly-rotating meat on the spit and the sage and onion stuffing sizzled, Hog Roast New Cumnock rustled up some gorgeous side salads, BBQ pulled jackfruit rolls and summer pudding and chocolate torte for after.

At lunchtime, the clash of swords ceased, the archers dropped their bows and the spellcasters pocketed their hex bags, and they each joined the queue for food. Hog Roast New Cumnock worked through the crowd and a record rate, which had everyone sitting down to eat our flavour-rich food by 1 pm.